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Budi Susilo, Civic Space dan Resiliensi OMS (158 downloads )
Riza Imaduddin Abdali, Merayakan Keberagaman dan Membangun Kekuatan Bersama: Agenda Memperkuat Ekosistem Masyarakat Indonesia (180 downloads )
Bappenas, Resiliensi OMS di Tengah Penyempitan Ruang Sipil (0 downloads )
Konsil LSM, Resiliensi OMS di Tengah Penyempitan Ruang Sipil (0 downloads )
Indeks Keberlanjutan Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil Indonesia 2023 (165 downloads )
Anom Surya Putra, TB di Tempat Kerja (350 downloads )
Anom Surya Putra, Rancangan Panduan Pelibatan Korporasi dalam Eliminasi Tuberkulosis (501 downloads )
Modul Pelatihan Daring Swakelola Tipe III (356 downloads )
Modul Pelatihan Daring Pengelolaan Risiko Bencana (334 downloads )
Accelerate, Panduan CRG Komunitas, CRG-TB Indonesia (379 downloads )
Masyarakat Penanggulangan Bencana Indonesia (MPBI), Standar Kemanusiaan Inti dalam Hal Kualitas dan Akuntabilitas (982 downloads )
CO-EVOLVE, Laporan Riset Tantangan dan Peluang Mobilisasi Sumber Daya Domestik bagi LSM (948 downloads )
Intrac, Landscape Analysis of CSO Capacity Strengthening Efforts in the Global South The Ford Foundation (909 downloads )
USAID, LCD_Policy - Civil Society Forging a New Path Finding Opportunities in Times of Crisis Confirmation (871 downloads )
USAID, Presentation Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (2020) (512 downloads )
USAID, Index Keberlanjutan Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil (2020) (Bahasa) (818 downloads )
USAID, Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (2020) (545 downloads )
USAID, Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (2019) (502 downloads )
USAID, Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (2015) (501 downloads )
USAID, Assesment Report_ CSO INDONESIA (July 2018) (806 downloads )
USAID, Assesment Report_ Sustainability of Donor Project on Decentralization and Governance Reform in Indonesia (Feb, 2018) (1169 downloads )
USAID, Facilititing Financial Sustainability (1339 downloads )
Tuti Alawiyah, Trends, Challenges and Strategies in Human Resource Management and Leadership Regeneration/ Findings from Mixed Methods Research on NGOs in Indonesia (English) (1065 downloads )
Tuti Alawiyah & Megan McGlynn Scanlon, The NGO Sector in Indonesia/ Context, Concepts and an Updated Profile (English) (1159 downloads )
Kemitraan, Position Paper of Indonesian Democratic Transformation Trust Fund (IDTTF) (698 downloads )
Kemitraan, Laporan Kajian Trust Fund/Dana Perwalian Dan Pendanaan Masyarakat Sipil Untuk Demokrasi Di Indonesia (2014) (1020 downloads )
Jonatan Lassa & Domingus Elcid Li - Cardno, Jaringan LSM dan Masa Depan Keberlangsungan LSM di Indonesia (Bahasa) (922 downloads )
Jonatan Lassa & Dominggus Elcid Li, NGO Networks and the Future of NGO Sustainability in Indonesia (English) (929 downloads )
Jakob, Lina - KSI, Fundraising Opportunity Assessment for Policy Research Institutes in Indonesia (2016) (397 downloads )
ICCO, MSF, SHEEP - Good Practice Domestic Support and fund Raising (634 downloads )
ICCO, Domestic Support Raising.pdf (357 downloads )
DFID, Operational Guide for The Making Markets Work For The Poor (M4P) Approach (2008) (671 downloads )
DFAT's, Enggagment With Indonesian Non-Goverment Organization (2007 - 2014): A Review and Recommendations (673 downloads )
CO-EVOLVE, Laporan Penelitian Survei Kapasitas OMS (504 downloads )
CO-EVOLVE, Laporan studi (Enabling Environment) Lingkungan Pendukung OMS di Indonesia (844 downloads )
CO-EVOLVE, Laporan Studi Pemetaaan Forum OMS Respon Covid-19 (242 downloads )
CO-EVOLVE, Laporan Kebijakan Insentif Pajak Bagi Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil Di Indonesia (980 downloads )
CO-EVOLVE, Laporan Dua Dekade Bantuan Pembangunan Dana Publik LSM (705 downloads )
CO-EVOLVE, Kertas Kebijakan Insentif Pajak Bagi OMS di Indonesia (891 downloads )
CO-EVOLVE, Kertas Kebijakan Dua Dekade Bantuan Pembangunan Dana Publik bagi LSM (811 downloads )
Cardno, Design for The National NGO Study and Service Center (ENG) (0 downloads )
Cardno, Desain Pusat Studi dan Layanan LSM Nasional (BAHASA) (707 downloads )
Ben Davis, Research Series 2 Financial Sustainability (472 downloads )
Ben Davis - Cardno, Keberlanjutan Financial dan Diservikasi Pendanaan: Tantangan bagi LSM Indonesia (1117 downloads )
Arnaldo Pellini, Budiati Prasetiamartati, Kharisma Priyo Nugroho, Elisabeth Jackson, Fred Carden-Knowledge, Politics and Policymaking in Indonesia-Springer Singapore (2018) (1002 downloads )
Eryanto Nugroho, Jangan Ormaskan Sektor Masyarakat Sipil Indonesia (827 downloads )
Rival Ahmad, 10 Model Pendanaan Nirlaba (248 downloads )