1 | AusAID |
Fundraising Opportunity Assessment for Policy Research Institutes in Indonesia (182 downloads )
| 2016 | Bappenas dan Australian Aid | Lina Jacob |
2 | AusAID |
NSSC Research and Design (185 downloads )
| 2014 | | |
3 | AusAID |
TOR NSSC Research and Design (209 downloads )
| 2014 | | |
Buku Saku Swakelola Tipe III (295 downloads )
| 2019 | AKATIGA, LKPP, KSI | |
Laporan Verifikasi Data Base OMS (159 downloads )
| 2022 | BAPPENAS | |
6 | BoardSource |
Global Best Practices for CSO, NGO and Other non Profit Boards (494 downloads )
| | BoardSource | |
7 | CAPS |
Doing Good Index (186 downloads )
| 2022 | Centre For Asian Philanthropy and Society | Matthew Zurstrassen and Kharisma Nugroho |
8 | Civicus |
Civius State of Civil Society Report (87 downloads )
| 2023 | Civicus | |
9 | Civicus |
Civius State of Civil Society Report Overview (228 downloads )
| 2023 | Civicus | |
10 | Civicus |
Indonesia CSI Report (2003-2006) Executive Summary (207 downloads )
| | | |
11 | Civicus |
Indonesia CSI Report (2003-2006) Full Report (156 downloads )
| | Civicus, AGNA, CAF | Cornelis Lay and Netra Eng |
12 | Civicus |
Rebuilding 4 Good Action Needed from Governments (202 downloads )
| | | |
13 | Cogitatio |
Article State Regulations and Elitisation : A Sudy of Civil Society Elites in Indonesia and Combodia (665 downloads )
| 2020 | Cogatatio | |
14 | Co- Evolve |
Kajian Kebijakan Tentang Model Implementasi dan Perluasan Kebijakan Insentif Pajak bagi Sektor Filantropi di Indonesia (433 downloads )
| 2021 | Penabulu | Dr. (Cand.) Derry Wanta, Dr.E. Pantja Pramudya, Arina Felita, Nur Najmul Laila |
15 | Co- Evolve |
Evaluasi Implementasi Program Co-Evolve Bagi Perubahan OMS di Indonesia (335 downloads )
| 2022 | Penabulu | Deden Ramdani, Ria Yulianti, Dede Setiawan |
16 | Co- Evolve |
Laporan Kajian Dua Dekade Bantuan Pembangunan dan Peran Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat di Indonesia- Dana Publik Solusi Berkelanjutan (473 downloads )
| 2021 | Penabulu | Mickael Bobby Hoelman |
17 | Co- Evolve |
Laporan Penelitian Penilaian Awal Situasi dan Kapasitas OMS Mitra CO-Evolve di Indonesia (405 downloads )
| 2021 | Penabulu | Levriana Yustriani, Deden Ramdani |
18 | Co- Evolve |
Laporan Riset Kebijakan Insentif Pajak Bagi OMS di Indonesia (313 downloads )
| 2021 | Penabulu | Dr.E. Pantja Pramudya, Dr. (Cand.) Derry Wanta |
19 | Co- Evolve |
Policy Brief Dana Abadi LSM: Solusi Untuk Berkelanjutan (299 downloads )
| 2021 | Penabulu | |
20 | Co- Evolve |
Policy Brief Kebijakan Insentif Pajak Bagi OMS di Indonesia (341 downloads )
| 2021 | Penabulu | |
21 | DFAT |
Desain Pusat Studi dan Layanan LSM Nasional (National NGO Study and Service Centre) -[ENG] (570 downloads )
| | Cardno | Jonatan Lassa dan Dominggus Elcid Li |
22 | DFAT |
Desain Pusat Studi dan Layanan LSM Nasional (National NGO Study and Service Centre) (514 downloads )
| | Cardno | Jonatan Lassa dan Dominggus Elcid Li |
23 | DFAT |
DFAT’s Engagement with Indonesian Non-Government Organisations (2007–2014): A Review and Recommendations (565 downloads )
| 2015 | Cardno | Ben Davis |
24 | DFAT |
Jaringan LSM dan Masa Depan Keberlangsungan LSM di Indonesia (401 downloads )
| | Cardno | Ben Davis |
25 | DFAT |
Jaringan LSM dan Masa Depan Keberlangsungan LSM di Indonesia - [ENG] (514 downloads )
| | Cardno | Tuti Alawiyah |
26 | DFAT |
Keberlanjutan Finansial dan Diversifikasi Pendanaan : Tantangan Bagi LSM Indonesia (728 downloads )
| | Cardno | Tuti Alawiyah |
27 | DFAT |
Keberlanjutan Finansial dan Diversifikasi Pendanaan : Tantangan Bagi LSM Indonesia [ENG] (573 downloads )
| | Cardno | Tuti Alawiyah |
28 | DFAT |
The NGO Sector in Indonesia: Context, Concepts and an Updated Profile (544 downloads )
| | Cardno | McGlynn Scanlon dan Tuti Alawiyah |
29 | DFAT |
Tren, Tantangan dan Strategi dalam Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dan Regenerasi Kepemimpinan LSM di Indonesia- [ ENG] (763 downloads )
| | Cardno | McGlynn Scanlon dan Tuti Alawiyah |
30 | DFAT |
Tren, Tantangan dan Strategi dalam Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dan Regenerasi Kepemimpinan LSM di Indonesia (728 downloads )
| | Cardno | |
31 | DFAT |
Sektor LSM di Indonesia : Konteks, Konsep, dan Profil Terkini [ENG] (840 downloads )
| | Cardno | Duncan Green |
32 | DFAT |
Sektor LSM di Indonesia : Konteks, Konsep, dan Profil Terkini (678 downloads )
| | Cardno | |
33 | DFID |
The Operational Guide for The Making Markets Work For The Poor (M4P) Approach (447 downloads )
| 2008 | DFID | |
34 | Duncan Green |
What does Civil Society think of Adaptive Management (207 downloads )
| | | |
35 | Ford Foundation |
Building Resilient Ecosystem, Sustainable Impact Organization for Ford Grentees & Beyond (353 downloads )
| | Ford Foundation | |
36 | ICCO |
5 Adaptive Measures for Projects during COVID-19 Crisis in Nepal (288 downloads )
| 2020 | ICCO | |
37 | ICCO |
Changing Client's Savings Behaviours Helps MFIs in Ethiopia to Become Financially Healthy (287 downloads )
| 2020 | ICCO | |
38 | ICCO |
Cordaid and ICCO are Exploring Intensive Cooperation (241 downloads )
| 2020 | ICCO | |
39 | ICCO |
COVID-19 Digital Advice for Farmers Through App (111 downloads )
| 2020 | ICCO | |
40 | ICCO |
COVID-19 ICCO Provides Extra Agri-Inputs for 5,000 Farmers (196 downloads )
| 2020 | ICCO | |
41 | ICCO |
COVID-19 in the Heart of South America (127 downloads )
| 2020 | ICCO | |
42 | ICCO |
Domestic Support Raising- the Concept (207 downloads )
| 2020 | ICCO | |
43 | ICCO |
Good Practice Domestic Support and fund Raising (196 downloads )
| 2020 | ICCO | |
44 | ICCO |
How the Micro and Small Enterprises Can Survive, Revive, and Thrive (214 downloads )
| 2020 | ICCO | Laode M Syarif |
45 | ICCO |
ICCO Supports People's Fights Against the Coronavirus (148 downloads )
| 2020 | ICCO | |
46 | ICCO |
Simbuka and ICCO Digitize Loan Tool for African Smallholders (225 downloads )
| 2020 | ICCO | Sugiarto Arif Santoso dan Lina Wahyuning Sari |
47 | IKA |
Laporan Survei Online Google Form: Mobilisasi Sumber Daya Mitra USAID Madani di 32 Kabupaten (469 downloads )
| 2022 | IKA | Hamid Abidin |
48 | IKA |
Kajian Pemetaan Filantropi dan Crowdfunding Sebagai Sumber Daya bagi Program dan Keberlanjutan OMS (495 downloads )
| 2022 | IKA | Tasnim Jusuf |
49 | IKA |
Laporan Hasil Reality Check dan Analisis Temuan (265 downloads )
| 2023 | IKA | Suraya A. Afif |
50 | Infid |
Pengalaman Pendanaan Negara Kepada CSO di 10 Negara (467 downloads )
| 2022 | Infid | Lawrence & Wishart |
51 | INTRAC |
Landscape Analysisi if CSO Capacity Strengthening Efforts in Global South (490 downloads )
| 2021 | INTRAC | |
52 | Kemitraan |
Laporan Kajian Trust Fund- Dana Perwalian dan Pendanaan Masyarakat Sipil Untuk Demokrasi di Indonesia (600 downloads )
| 2014 | Kemitraan | |
53 | Kemitraan |
Urgensi Transparansi dan Akuntabilitas bagi Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil (457 downloads )
| 2021 | Kemitraan | |
54 | Kemitraan |
Position Paper on Indonesian Democratic Transformation Trust Fund (IDTTF) (282 downloads )
| 2015 | Kemitraan | Anick HT, Fahd Riyadi, Sarwitri |
55 | Konsil LSM |
Laporan Kajian Implementasi Kebijakan : SIRUP dan SWAKELOLA Tipe III 2022 (209 downloads )
| 2022 | Konsil LSM Indonesia | |
56 | Konsil LSM |
Sosial Contracting & Swakelola Tipe III (186 downloads )
| 2023 | Konsil LSM Indonesia | |
57 | LPPSP UI & ARC UI |
Understanding Strong & Effective CSOs in Indoensia's Environmental Sector (303 downloads )
| 2022 | LPPSP UI & ARC UI | |
58 | LPPSP UI & ARC UI |
Memahami Ornop Kuat & Efektif di Sektor Lingkungan Indonesia (541 downloads )
| 2022 | LPPSP UI & ARC UI | |
59 | Pauletter Goudge |
The Whiteness of Power (65 downloads )
| 2002 | Pauletter Goudge | Jan Aart Scholte |
60 | Peace Direc |
The nine roles that intermediaries can play in international cooperation (462 downloads )
| 2023 | Peace Direc | Margit van Wessel, Tiina Kontinen, and Justice Nyigmah Bawole |
61 | Plus Foundation |
Rencana Strategis: 2022 – 2026 resource Hub For Strengthening Capacityon Financial Resiliency(Re-Search) (468 downloads )
| | Plus Foundation, Remdec Swaprakarsa | |
62 | Re'Search |
Peta Jalan Penguatan Kapasitas Organisasi Pelaksana Program BUILD Ford Foundation (678 downloads )
| 2021 | Re'Search | |
63 | Right Colab |
Fostering Equitable Nort- South Civil Society Partnership (152 downloads )
| 2021 | Right Colab | |
64 | Routledge |
Journal Civil Society and Financial Markets (292 downloads )
| 2013 | Routledge Taylor & Francis Group | |
65 | Routledge |
Reimagining Civil Society Collaboration in Development (184 downloads )
| 2023 | Routledge Taylor & Francis Group | |
66 | RPJMN & RPJPN |
Ringkasan Eksekutif BS RPJPN 2015- 2045 (232 downloads )
| | | |
67 | RPJMN & RPJPN |
Ringkasan Eksekutif BS RPJMN 2025-2029 (361 downloads )
| | | Arnaldo Pellini, Budiati Prasetiamartati, Kharisma Priyo Nugroho, Elisabeth Jackson, Fred Carden |
68 | RPJMN & RPJPN |
(Bahan Direktur Polkom) Pengantar Seminar Hasil BS RPJPN 2025-2045- Direktorat Politik dan Komunikasi (683 downloads )
| 2022 | Kementrian Bappenas & G20 | |
69 | RPJMN & RPJPN |
(Bahan Tenaga Ahli) Seminar Hasil BS RPJMN 2025-2029- Direktorat Politik dan Komunikasi (582 downloads )
| 2022 | Kementrian Bappenas & G20 | |
70 | RPJMN & RPJPN |
(Bahan Tenaga Ahli) Seminar Hasil BS RPJPN 2025-2045- Direktur Politik dan Komunikasi (693 downloads )
| 2022 | Kementrian Bappenas & G20 | |
71 | Springer |
Knowledge, Politics and Polocymaking in Indonesia (239 downloads )
| 2018 | Springer Singapore | |
72 | Synergos Institute |
National Directories of Civil Society Resource Organizations in Indonesia (448 downloads )
| 2002 | The Synergos Institute | |
73 | USAID |
2019 Civil Society Organization Sustainibility Index (143 downloads )
| 2020 | USAID, ICNL, FHI360 | |
74 | USAID |
2015 CSO Sustainability Index For Asia (148 downloads )
| 2015 | USAID | |
75 | USAID |
2020,Civil Society Organization Sustainbility Index (268 downloads )
| 2021 | USAID, ICNL, FHI360 | |
76 | USAID |
Assesment Report- Civil Society Organization (254 downloads )
| 2018 | USAID | |
77 | USAID |
Assesment Report- Sustainability of Donor Projects on Decentralization and Governance Reform in Indonesia (597 downloads )
| 2018 | USAID | |
78 | USAID |
Facilitating Financial Sustainability (131 downloads )
| 2018 | USAID | |
79 | USAID |
Final Report Disemination of CSOSI 2020 (284 downloads )
| 2021 | USAID | |
80 | USAID |
Indeks Keberlanjutan Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil Indonesia 2021 (262 downloads )
| 2021 | USAID | |
81 | USAID |
Index Keberlanjutan Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil 2020 (303 downloads )
| 2021 | USAID | Purnama Adil Marata |
82 | USAID |
Studi Programatik MADANI Tentang Mobilisasi Sumber Daya dan Keberlanjutan Keuangan OMS Lokal di Indonesia (678 downloads )
| | USAID, FHI360, Ika | Dr. E. Kumi, Dr K. Bandyopadhyay dan P. Collad |
83 | USAID |
2020 Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index For Asia (169 downloads )
| 2021 | USAID, ICNL, FHI360 | |
84 | USAID |
2021 Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (191 downloads )
| 2022 | USAID, ICNL, FHI361 | |
85 | WEF |
Fiture Role Civil Society (131 downloads )
| | World Economic Forum | |
86 | 92 Materi DSF |
Procurement an Overview (195 downloads )
| | MDF | |
87 | 92 Materi DSF |
Checklists for Selection and Procurement (237 downloads )
| | MDF | |
88 | 92 Materi DSF |
Proposal Writing in The Contextof Internasional Development Co-Operation (415 downloads )
| | MDF | |
89 | 92 Materi DSF |
Writing A Quality Proposal (220 downloads )
| | MDF | |
90 | 92 Materi DSF |
Proposal Writing Some General Principles (241 downloads )
| | MDF | |
91 | 92 Materi DSF |
Make A Mind Map (218 downloads )
| | MDF | |
92 | 92 Materi DSF |
Assesment of Logical Framework (337 downloads )
| | MDF | |
93 | 92 Materi DSF |
Objective Oriented Project Palnning (204 downloads )
| | MDF | |
94 | 92 Materi DSF |
Basic Principles Underlying The Pyramid Diagramming Technuque (236 downloads )
| | MDF | |
95 | 92 Materi DSF |
Breakthough Nonprofit Branding (137 downloads )
| | | |
96 | 92 Materi DSF |
Developing A Fundraising Stategy (165 downloads )
| 2007 | Norfolk Information | |
97 | 92 Materi DSF |
DSR Strategy Development (158 downloads )
| | ICCO dan MDF | |
98 | 92 Materi DSF |
DSR The Concept (225 downloads )
| | ICCO dan MDF | |
99 | 92 Materi DSF |
The Integrate Organization Model (151 downloads )
| | MDF | |
100 | 92 Materi DSF |
The Secrets of Pitching (196 downloads )
| | | |
101 | 92 Materi DSF |
The Vision of an Organization (199 downloads )
| | MDF | |
102 | 92 Materi DSF |
Agenda Training Course : Domestic Support and Fundraising (364 downloads )
| | MDF | |
103 | 92 Materi DSF |
Agenda Training DSR for Partners (211 downloads )
| | MDF | |
104 | 92 Materi DSF |
DSR Course for ICCO Partners (208 downloads )
| 2014 | | |
105 | Other |
LP Madani Data (187 downloads )
| | | |
106 | Other |
Prosperity Fund Business Case (144 downloads )
| | DFID, FCO dan DCMS | |
107 | Other |
TOR Training Needs Assesment MSP (200 downloads )
| 2021 | | |